PostgreSQL: Update Data in a Table

PostgreSQL: Update Data in a Table


7 min read

One of the fundamental operations in any database is updating existing records in a table. In this blog post, we'll explore how to update data in a PostgreSQL table with practical examples.

Understanding the UPDATE Statement

The UPDATE statement in PostgreSQL allows you to modify one or more rows in a table based on specified conditions. It follows the general syntax:

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1,
    column2 = value2,
WHERE condition;

Let's break down the components of this statement:

  • table_name: The name of the table you want to update data in.

  • SET: Specifies the columns and their new values that you want to update.

  • column1, column2, etc.: The columns to be updated.

  • value1, value2, etc.: The new values you want to assign to the respective columns.

  • WHERE: An optional clause that filters the rows to be updated based on specific conditions. If omitted, all rows in the table will be updated.

Examples of Updating Data in PostgreSQL

For our examples, let's assume we have a table called employees with the following structure:


Example 1: Updating a Single Column

Let's say we want to update Jane Smith's department from "HR" to "Marketing". The SQL statement would be:

UPDATE employees
SET department = 'Marketing'
WHERE first_name = 'Jane' AND last_name = 'Smith';

After executing this statement, the employees table will look like this:


Example 2: Updating Multiple Columns

Suppose we need to give John Doe a salary raise and change his department to "Operations". The SQL statement would be:

UPDATE employees
SET department = 'Operations',
    salary = 55000
WHERE first_name = 'John' AND last_name = 'Doe';

The updated employees table will be:


Example 3: Updating All Rows

In some cases, you might need to update all rows in a table. For instance, let's say we want to reset the salary of all employees to a default value of 50000:

UPDATE employees
SET salary = 50000;

After executing this statement, the employees table will be:


Update Join in PostgreSQL

While the UPDATE statement we covered in the previous section is useful for updating data in a single table, there are scenarios where you might need to update data based on a relationship between multiple tables. This is where the UPDATE JOIN comes into play. The UPDATE JOIN allows you to combine data from two or more tables and update the target table accordingly. In this section, we'll explore how to use UPDATE JOIN in PostgreSQL with a practical example.

Example Scenario

Let's consider a database schema for an online bookstore. We have two tables: books and authors.

Table: books

1Pride and Prejudice10125
2To Kill a Mockingbird10220

Table: authors

101Jane AustenBritish
102Harper LeeAmerican
103George OrwellBritish

Example 1: Updating Book Prices by Author Nationality

Suppose we want to apply a discount to the book prices based on the authors' nationalities. We will reduce the prices by 10% for British authors and 5% for American authors.

To achieve this, we'll use the UPDATE JOIN along with a CASE statement to conditionally update the prices in the books table.

UPDATE books AS b
SET price = CASE
            WHEN a.nationality = 'British' THEN round(b.price * 0.9, 2)
            WHEN a.nationality = 'American' THEN round(b.price * 0.95, 2)
            ELSE b.price
FROM authors AS a
WHERE b.author_id = a.author_id;

Let's break down this UPDATE JOIN statement:

  • books AS b: We define an alias "b" for the books table, which we'll use to reference it later in the statement.

  • SET price = CASE ... END: This is a CASE statement that allows us to specify conditions to update the price column based on the nationality column in the authors table.

  • round(b.price * 0.9, 2): The price will be multiplied by 0.9 (for British authors) or 0.95 (for American authors) and rounded to 2 decimal places to apply the discount.

  • FROM authors AS a: We bring in the authors table and define an alias "a" for it to reference it later in the statement.

  • WHERE b.author_id = a.author_id: This is the join condition that connects the books and authors tables based on the author_id column.

After executing the UPDATE JOIN statement, the updated books table will be:

1Pride and Prejudice10122.50
2To Kill a Mockingbird10219.00

As you can see, the prices have been updated based on the authors' nationalities.

Example 2: Updating Loyalty Points based on Total Order Quantities

Sure, let's explore another example of using the UPDATE JOIN in PostgreSQL. Consider a scenario where we have a database with two tables: orders and customers.

Table: orders


Table: customers

101John Smith100
102Jane Doe50
103Bob Johnson200

Now, let's say we want to update the loyalty_points of customers based on their total order quantities. For every 5 products ordered, a customer should receive 10 additional loyalty points.

To achieve this, we'll use the UPDATE JOIN along with aggregation and a CASE statement to calculate and update the loyalty_points in the customers table.

UPDATE customers AS c
SET loyalty_points = c.loyalty_points + (total_order_quantity / 5) * 10
    SELECT customer_id, SUM(quantity) AS total_order_quantity
    FROM orders
    GROUP BY customer_id
) AS o
WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id;

In this UPDATE JOIN statement:

  • We first define an alias "c" for the customers table and use it to reference the table in the SET clause.

  • We calculate the total order quantity for each customer using a subquery (aliased as "o") that performs aggregation with SUM(quantity) and GROUP BY customer_id on the orders table.

  • Then, we use the CASE statement to calculate the additional loyalty_points based on the total order quantity.

  • Finally, we use the join condition WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id to connect the customers and subquery result (orders) based on the customer_id column.

After executing the UPDATE JOIN statement, the updated customers table will be:

101John Smith120
102Jane Doe60
103Bob Johnson230

As you can see, the loyalty_points have been updated based on the total order quantities for each customer.