PostgreSQL: Exploring the ANY Operator

PostgreSQL: Exploring the ANY Operator


3 min read

When working with relational databases, it's common to encounter scenarios where we need to compare a value against multiple elements in an array or a list. PostgreSQL provides us with a versatile solution to tackle such situations through the ANY operator. In this blog post, we'll delve into the ANY operator, understand its functionality, and explore real-world examples to grasp its practical applications.

What is the ANY Operator?

The ANY operator in PostgreSQL allows us to compare a value to a set of values within an array or a subquery result. It returns true if the value being compared matches any element within the specified set, and false otherwise. This is particularly useful when we want to avoid writing multiple OR conditions or when dealing with dynamic data sets.


The basic syntax of the ANY operator is as follows:

value OPERATOR ANY (array_expression)

Where value is the element we want to compare, OPERATOR is the comparison operator (e.g., =, >, <, <>, etc.), and array_expression is the array or subquery that contains the set of values we want to compare against.


Example 1: Using ANY with an Array

Let's say we have a table called products that contains information about various products, and we want to find products whose prices are greater than any of the specified prices in an array.

-- Creating a sample products table
CREATE TABLE products (
    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    price REAL NOT NULL

-- Inserting some sample data
INSERT INTO products (name, price) VALUES
    ('Product A', 10.99),
    ('Product B', 15.49),
    ('Product C', 8.75),
    ('Product D', 21.25);

-- Using ANY with an array of prices
SELECT * FROM products WHERE price > ANY (ARRAY[10.00, 15.00, 20.00]);

The query above will return the rows for "Product A", "Product B" and "Product D," as their prices are greater than any of the values specified in the array.

Example 2: Using ANY with a Subquery

Consider a scenario where we have two tables: employees and projects. We want to find employees who are assigned to work on any of the ongoing projects.

-- Sample employees table
CREATE TABLE employees (
    emp_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

-- Sample projects table
CREATE TABLE projects (
    project_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    project_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    emp_id INT REFERENCES employees(emp_id), -- Foreign key
    status VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL -- Can be 'ongoing' or 'completed'

-- Sample data for demonstration
INSERT INTO employees (emp_name) VALUES

INSERT INTO projects (project_name, status) VALUES
    ('Project X', 1, 'ongoing'),
    ('Project Y', 7, 'completed'),
    ('Project Z', 3, 'ongoing');

-- Using ANY with a subquery to find employees working on any ongoing project
SELECT emp_name FROM employees
WHERE emp_id = ANY (SELECT emp_id FROM project_assignments WHERE project_id IN (SELECT project_id FROM projects WHERE status = 'ongoing'));

In this example, the project_assignments table stores the relationships between employees and projects, and the query will return the names of employees assigned to any ongoing project.