EventEmitter in Angular

EventEmitter in Angular


3 min read


The EventEmitter class is a part of the Angular core library that allows a component to communicate with its parent component or with other components in an Angular application. It is commonly used in conjunction with the @Output decorator to create custom events that a component can emit.

Creating an EventEmitter

To create an EventEmitter, you first need to import it from the Angular core library:

import { EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

Then, you can create a new EventEmitter instance in your component class by using the new keyword and passing in the type of data that the event will emit as a generic type argument:

export class MyComponent {
  myEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();

This creates a new EventEmitter instance called myEvent that will emit values of type string.

Introduction to the EventEmitter in Angular

The EventEmitter class is a part of the Angular core library that allows a component to communicate with its parent component or with other components in an Angular application. It is commonly used in conjunction with the @Output decorator to create custom events that a component can emit.

Creating an EventEmitter

To create an EventEmitter, you first need to import it from the Angular core library:

import { EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

Then, you can create a new EventEmitter instance in your component class by using the new keyword and passing in the type of data that the event will emit as a generic type argument:

export class MyComponent {
  myEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();

This creates a new EventEmitter instance called myEvent that will emit values of type string.

Using the EventEmitter

To use the EventEmitter, you can bind to it in the template using the (event) syntax and define a corresponding method in the component class to handle the event.

For example, in the template you can bind to the myEvent event like this:

<div (myEvent)="onMyEvent($event)">Event will be emitted here</div>

Then, in the component class, you can define the onMyEvent() method to handle the event:

export class MyComponent {
  // Other component code

  onMyEvent(value: string) {
    // Handle the event here

To emit the event from the component, you can use the emit() method of the EventEmitter instance. For example:

export class MyComponent {
  // Other component code

  emitEvent() {
    this.myEvent.emit('some value');

You can then call the emitEvent() method from the template or from within the component class to emit the myEvent event.

Example: Form Submission

One common use case for the EventEmitter is in a form submission process. Suppose you have a form component that collects user information, such as a login form or a contact form. The form component could have a submit event binding to handle the submission process and a success custom event to notify the parent component that the form was submitted successfully.

Here is an example of how this could be implemented in the form component class:

import { Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

export class FormComponent {
  @Output() success = new EventEmitter<void>();

  onSubmit() {
    // Validate and submit the form here

In the template, you can bind to the submit event and the success custom event:

<form (submit)="onSubmit()">
  <!-- Form fields and buttons go here -->

Then, in the parent component, you can bind to the success event and display a success message or redirect to another page.