Svelte: Animations and Transitions

Svelte: Animations and Transitions


3 min read

Animations and transitions add life to your web applications, creating smooth interactions and a more engaging user experience. Svelte provides built-in directives for easily adding animations and transitions to your components. In this article, we’ll cover how to implement transitions, keyframe animations, and custom animations in Svelte.

Transitions in Svelte

Transitions in Svelte can be applied to elements when they enter or leave the DOM. Svelte offers built-in transition functions like fade, slide, scale, and fly.

Example: Using fade Transition

  import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';
  let visible = true;

<button on:click={() => visible = !visible}>

{#if visible}
  <div transition:fade>
    <p>This paragraph will fade in and out.</p>


  • fade Transition: The fade function applies a simple fade-in/fade-out effect when the element is added or removed from the DOM.

  • Reactive Toggle: The visibility of the paragraph is controlled by the visible variable, triggering the transition.

Other Built-In Transitions

Svelte provides several other transition functions to create different effects.

Example: slide and fly Transitions

  import { slide, fly } from 'svelte/transition';
  let showSlide = true;
  let showFly = true;

<button on:click={() => showSlide = !showSlide}>Toggle Slide</button>
<button on:click={() => showFly = !showFly}>Toggle Fly</button>

{#if showSlide}
  <div transition:slide>
    <p>This paragraph slides in and out.</p>

{#if showFly}
  <div transition:fly={{ y: 200, duration: 800 }}>
    <p>This paragraph flies in and out.</p>


  • slide Transition: This transition slides the element in and out of view.

  • fly Transition: The fly transition allows for movement along the x and y axes with customizable duration and distance.

Custom Transitions

If the built-in transitions don’t fit your needs, you can create custom transitions by defining your own logic.

Example: Custom Transition

  import { cubicInOut } from 'svelte/easing';

  function customTransition(node, { delay = 0, duration = 400 }) {
    return {
      css: t => `
        transform: scale(${t});
        opacity: ${t};

<div transition:customTransition>
  <p>This paragraph uses a custom transition.</p>


  • Custom Transition Function: You define a custom transition by returning an object with delay, duration, and a css function that describes how the styles should change over time.

  • Easing Function: Svelte provides several easing functions like cubicInOut to control the transition speed.

Keyframe Animations

Svelte also supports keyframe animations using the animate directive. This is useful for animating changes in element properties over time.

Example: Keyframe Animation with flip

  import { flip } from 'svelte/animate';

  let items = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
  function shuffle() {
    items = items.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);

<button on:click={shuffle}>Shuffle</button>

  {#each items as item (item)}
    <li animate:flip>{item}</li>


  • flip Animation: The flip animation smoothly animates changes in the position of elements when their order changes.

  • Unique Key: The (item) after the each loop ensures that Svelte can track each element uniquely for animation purposes.

Animating Between Two States

You can animate elements as they transition between two states using the animate directive.

Example: State Animation

  let expanded = false;

<button on:click={() => expanded = !expanded}>
  {expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'}

<div style="overflow: hidden; background-color: lightgray;" animate:flip>
  <p style="height: {expanded ? '200px' : '50px'};">
    {expanded ? 'Expanded view with more content.' : 'Collapsed view.'}


  • State Change Animation: The height of the paragraph changes based on the expanded variable, and Svelte smoothly animates the transition between states.


Svelte makes it incredibly easy to add animations and transitions to your application, enhancing the user experience. Whether you're using built-in transitions like fade or creating custom transitions, Svelte offers flexibility to create dynamic interfaces. In the next topic, we’ll explore server-side rendering with SvelteKit to optimize performance and SEO.